Visualisations of BLANkET air network data

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​On this page you will find links to animated representations of the BLANkET air network PM2.5 and wind data for the specified intervals. 

The animations are now available on the EPA YouTube channel. They can still be viewed on this page (click bottom right hand corner for full screen)​ or through YouTube.  The channel has an Air Quality Data Visualisations playlist​​ for all videos.

Please see the notes below for information about interpreting these visualisations.


  • May 2009 - February 2018, day-averaged data (6:50 playing time). This shows our entire data set from the start of 'BLANkET' in early May 2009 up to February 2018. The initial test station at Hobart and the five first north east stations and joined by the three Huon stations in November 2009, and then over time by more stations. The animation reveals the increases in planned burn smoke in autumn (nominally March-April, sometimes into May) and the winter woodheater smoke (typically late April to September). Summer bushfire smoke is also apparent, most notably in January-February 2016, which, on a state-wide basis, was the longest interval of degraded air quality thus far recorded by the network. 

    In a few instances planned burn and bushfire smoke moved across Bass Strait from Victoria.
  • 2009 winter, h​our-averaged data (6:18 playing time). This shows May-August data from the first winter of network operation. Only the Hobart 'test station' and the five north-east stations (Lilydale, Scottsdale, Derby, St Helens, and Fingal) were in operation.
  • 2010 March-April, hour-averaged data (3:24 playing time). This shows March-April data from the first planned-burn season of network operation. Note: This video and the following March-April videos extend into early May to provide a measure of overlap with the 'winter' hour-averaged videos.


Interpreting the visualisations​​

​Some animations show day-averaged (as calendar-day averages) PM2.5 and wind data, others show hour-averaged data.  PM2.5 values are represented by the colour and size of circular symbols plotted at the station locations. The key at lower right indicates the PM2.5 levels. Wind direction and speed are represented by the green arrows. The direction the arrow is pointing represents the direction the wind is blowing. The length of the arrow represents the wind speed.

The date and time are shown along the top of the map. For hour-averaged data, the 'hour hand' also rotates on a clock near the top of the map.

On the right of the map, there is a list of stations (identified by a two-letter abbreviation) and a running total of the number of PM2.5 measurements over a specified limit (usually 25 microgram/cubic metre) since the start of the interval of the animation. For day-averaged data, values above 25 micrograms/cubic metre represent levels above the 24-hour national air quality standard for PM2.5. For hour-averaged data, values above 25 micrograms/cubic metre are above the Tasmanian Depa​rtment of Health 'air advisory' level for sensitive people.

You can refer to our current 'real-tim​​e' air quality map to help in identifying the air stations. Note that three stations, established early on, are no longer operational. These are Carrick ('CA', decommissioned in early 2013 after Hadspen station was installed); Bryn Estyn ('BE', decommissioned in February 2013 after New Norfolk station was installed); and Clearys Gates ('CG', decommissioned in early 2013) which was originally established in support of a road-side air-toxics monitoring site. The CG station was reconfigured as a solar-powered unit and was deployed at Mornington in July 2013. Note also that Scottsdale station ('SC') established in May 2009, at a site approximately 2 km from the town, was moved into the town in February 2016.​