Land Contamination Information

​​​​The EPA provides information via the Land Information System Tasmania (LISTmap). Specifically:

  • 'EPA Regulated Premises' identifies the location of currently regulated Level 2 premises as well as contaminated sites which are currently regulated. Regulatory documents related to each premises are available from this layer. 

  • 'EPA Underground Petroleum Storage Systems'. This layer shows sites where the EPA has received notification of the registration, temporary decommissioning or permanent decommissioning of underground petroleum storage systems (UPSS) since 2010. 

Further information regarding these is available on our Site Information​ page.

Requests for reports held by the EPA regarding these premises may fall under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act). For further information, please visit the Right to Information​ page. ​​

The ​​EPA also holds historic records in relation to:

  • premises previously regulated by the EPA or its predecessors
  • Environmental complaints and incidents reported to the EPA or its predecessors
  • other land contamination matters where no formal notice has been issued.

The EPA will consider applications to search these records.

Applications will be constrained to a single premises, address or land title.

Searches may attract a fee, calculated on a cost recovery basis.
Please contact ​ for further information.

Search application form:

 Contaminated Land Search Req​​uest Form (PDF 87Kb)​​​​