Publications and Resources - Contaminated Land

​​​​​​​​​Infor​​​mation Bulletins

The EPA has produced information bulletins that cover a range of contaminated land issues.​

Information Bulletin 105 - Classification and management of contaminated soils for disposal

  Information Bulletin 101 - Notification of a Contaminated Site   (129Kb)​


  Contaminated Land Data Request Form (PDF 87Kb)

  Reporting a Contaminated Site Form   (181Kb)

​​Other contaminated land assessment and manageme​​nt references

Assessment of Site Contamina​tion NEPM Toolbox

National Uniform Licencing Drillers Licensing Committee 2011, Minimum construction requirements for water bores in Australia, Edition 3, February 2012.

NSW Government, Office of Environment and Heritage (2000), Guidelines for Consultants Reporting on Contaminated Sites.​

Department of Environment, Government of Western Australia (April 2004), Contaminated Sites Management Series, Use of Monitored Natural Attenuation For Groundwater Remediation.

Note: Some older ​​​documents on this page do not meet current accessibility standards. They may ​also have out-of-date contact details (see below for current contact information) and broken links. Documents refer to the legislation that was current at the time of publishing. Efforts are being made to update documents wherever possible and we are committed to improving the accessibility of our documents to better meet the needs of all users. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with these documents.​​