A paper was used as a basis for community and stakeholder participation in the process of developing environmental management goals for the waterways that are located within the North-Central Coast Catchments and the Greater Rubicon Catchment.
The paper was prepared by the Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (Environment Division) with the assistance of the Burnie City Council, Central Coast Council, Kentish Council and the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service.
After public consultation, and with approval of the above planning authorities, Protected Environmental Values were then finalised and a final paper prepared. The Protected Environmental Values will be shown in the park management plans, used for Natural Resource Management and considered in water management planning.
Words and expressions used in the paper have, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as defined in the State Policy on Water Quality Management 1997 and the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994. Ecosystem refers to physical, chemical and biological aspects of the aquatic environment.
These Protected Environmental Values have been formally set. The paper has been amended to include the process of their establishment and to provide an accessible document for those in the community who have water-related interests.
The paper is divided into six main sections:
- The first part describes water reform in general.
- The second part provides a brief description of the catchments draining into the north-central coast and the Greater Rubicon catchment.
- The third part discusses the State Policy on Water Quality Management.
- The fourth part discusses Protected Environmental Values for the catchments draining into the north-central coast and the greater Rubicon catchment.
- The fifth section discusses water quality and water quantity values.
- Part six shows the community water values for the catchments.
Rubicon Catchment - Map (475Kb)
North Central Coast Catchment - Map (2Mb)