State Stormwater Strategy

​The State Stormwater Strategy (December 2010) is a useful tool to help protect Tasmania’s waterways from the negative effects of stormwater runoff.

  State Stormwater Strategy - December 2010   (2Mb)

Note: this older document does not meet current accessibility standards. It has out-of-date contact details - see below for current contact information - and broken links. The document refers to the legislation that was current at the time of publishing. Efforts are being made to update documents wherever possible and we are committed to improving the accessibility of our documents to better meet the needs of all users. ​​

It was developed in consultation with local government, which has primary responsibility for stormwater management in Tasmania, and is intended as a guidance document rather than a regulatory instrument in its own right.

The Strategy, launched in December 2010, is based on best management practices currently in use at local, national and international levels. It provides practical guidance to assist local government and other organisations with responsibilities for stormwater management.

It helps address recommendations of the Tasmanian State Policy on Water Quality Management 1997 which emphasises the need to manage stormwater at source and highlights the importance of managing stormwater in new developments at both the construction and operational stages.

The Strategy recognises Water Sensitive Urban Design, including rainwater tanks, wetlands, swales, porous paving and rain gardens, as best management practice for treatment and beneficial use of stormwater runoff in new developments.

It also recommends ways to improve stormwater management in established urban areas, including the restoration of urban waterways and control measures on commercial and industrial premises.

The Strategy applies to individual homeowners and the community too, by promoting sustainability through water conservation, rainwater harvesting, native landscape design and environmental education, while also providing considerable visual and public amenity benefits.

Please contact the Water Section for the most up-to-date information about this issue.​​​​​