The best of sustainability practices were on show at the Tasmanian Community Achievement Awards. (22/10/2024)
The lake has been declared a Prohibited Area by Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) until at least 12:00 am on Friday 31 January 2025, unless cancelled sooner, and includes all waters of Lake Rosebery. (21/1/2025)
Lake Rosebery has been declared a prohibited area until 12:00 am Wednesday 22 January 2025. (17/1/2025)
Season's greetings from the EPA. (24/12/2024)
The Environment Protection Authority is continuing its investigation into the process failure at TasWater's wastewater treatment plant at Cameron Bay. (23/12/2024)
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has concluded its assessment of a proposal by Dorset Council for an increase in production at Ben Ridge Quarry. (20/12/2024)
A significant process failure has occurred at TasWater’s wastewater treatment plant at Cameron Bay, resulting in discharge of incompletely treated effluent to the Derwent River this week. (20/12/2024)
The Board of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has concluded its assessment of a proposal by White Beach Civil Solutions Pty Ltd for an intensification of White Beach Quarry in the Tasman municipality. (5/12/2024)
The Environment Protection Authority has concluded its assessment of a proposal by MV Shelverton for Montumana Gravel Quarry, Montumana in Circular Head municipality. (8/11/2024)
The Board of the Environment Protection Authority has concluded its assessment of a proposal by MMG Australia Limited for the Bobadil Tailings Storage Facility Stage 11 and 12 Embankment Raises in the West Coast Council local government area. (7/11/2024)
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