Consultation on Technical Standards for Marine Finfish Farms - Extended

​The EPA is drafting technical standards to implement and support the Government's new Environmental Standards for Tasmanian Marine Finfish Farming 2023. Among other things, technical standards may set out monitoring methods and processes for making determinations.

The first draft technical standard, Soft Sediment Video Surveys for Marine Finfish Farms, is now open for public consultation on technical and scientific content.

The purpose of this technical standard is to ensure that soft sediment video surveys are undertaken in accordance with a consistent, quality-assured and contemporary framework and to provide the foundations for the evaluation and reporting of the survey findings.

The EPA Director is committed to an open and collaborative process to develop technical standards and recently reached out to more than 160 community members and organisations (that have previously engaged in the development of the Government's Environmental Standards) to invite participation in the EPA's consultation process on technical standards.

The comment period on the draft technical standard has been extended until 15 July 2024:

Technical Standard - Soft Sediment Video Survey for Marine Finfish Farms

Published on: 11/06/2024