In May 2023, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) commenced investigations into allegations of unlawful waste disposal at a property in Pawleena by Spectran Group.
The investigation identified the disposal of a significant quantity of waste material to private land, including construction debris from Hobart demolition sites. The waste material consisted of tyres, hot water cylinders, plastic piping, timbers, clean fill, electrical conduit, insulation, and carpets.
The EPA's investigation confirmed the disposal of waste was undertaken without relevant permissions or authority, and that the disposal of the waste material constituted multiple breaches of Tasmanian environmental legislation.
The investigation into the unlawful disposal also identified breaches of the Tasmanian environmental legislation by the owner of the land, who was also fined.
This unlawful activity resulted in the EPA issuing over $40 000 in fines to the Spectran Group.
The EPA prioritises investigation and enforcement responses into illegal dumping and offenders can face significant financial penalties.
Where illegal dumping offenders are identified, Litter Abatement Notices can be issued that require the offender to clean up the rubbish at their own cost.
The unlawful disposal of waste material has the potential to cause significant environmental and public health impacts.
Members of the public are encouraged to report Illegal dumping by calling the EPA on 1800 005 171 or by visiting the Report Rubbish web application at
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