Make a Report

Where to Report Pollution Incidents & Complaints

The EPA is not always the best or first point of contact to report environmental issues and incidents. Please see below for more information about who to contact.

Litter & Dumping

If you saw someone litter from a motor vehicle or a vessel you can submit a report here: Report Littering

If you found litter or dumped rubbish that needs to be cleaned up, you can report it through Report Rubbish.


Noise regulations allow for noisy activities to be undertaken at reasonable times. For information about when various types of machinery can be used on residential premises, including residential construction sites, see Residential Noise and Hours of Use.  You may also be interested in the Noise Complaints Fact Sheet.

Who to contact for complaints and notifications about different types of activities that may generate noise:

Noisy Activity

Agricultural activities
e.g. electronic bird scarers, frost fans, gas guns, irrigation pumps

Local Council

Air conditioners, heat pumps

Local Council
See our Noise Publications page for more information


Aircraft noise is managed by Air Services Australia (phone 1800 802 584 ), or they have an online reporting system.

Barking dogs

Local Council (and/or Tasmania Police after hours on 131 444) for complaints regarding nuisance noise from dog barking.

e.g. quarries and mines

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

Chainsaws, Brushcutters and Lawnmowers

Local Council  (and/or Tasmania Police after hours on 131 444) for complaints regarding nuisance noise from chainsaws, brushcutters, lawn mowers and other domestic sources.

Construction Sites Civil & Building

Local Council

Fish Farm Operations

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

Gun Clubs and Shooting Ranges

Local Council

Industrial premises – heavy
e.g. cement works, foundries, rendering plants, metallurgical works, mines, smelters large sawmills and quarries, tanneries

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

Industrial premises - light
e.g. motor garages and bodyworks, small sawmills and quarries, businesses

Local Council for complaints or notifications regarding noise from smaller industrial premises or businesses.

Motor Vehicles

Department of State Growth  (phone 1300 135 513) or Tasmania Police on 131 444 for complaints regarding nuisance noise from vehicles operating on public roads.

Motor Boat Racing

Local Council

Motor Racing Circuits

Local Council

Music and Patron Noise from Licensed Premises, Parties, Festivals, Concerts

Local Council (and/or Tasmania Police after hours on 131 444).

Residential Premises - nuisance noise

Local Council  (and/or Tasmania Police after hours on
131 444) for complaints regarding nuisance noise from residential premises or neighbours, such as music and other domestic activities.

Road Construction

Department of State Growth (phone 1800 030 688) for complaints regarding nuisance noise from road construction.


TasRail (phone 1300 827 724) for complaints relating to train noise and other train-related pollution.

Trail Bikes and Recreational off-road Vehicles

Local Council (and/or Tasmania Police after hours on 131 444) for complaints regarding nuisance noise from trail bikes and off-road vehicles.

See our Noise Publications page for more information.

Vessels – recreational (including jet skis) or commercial

Marine and Safety Tasmania (phone 1300 135 513).

Wind Farms or Wind Turbines

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

Visit our Noise pages to learn more about the topic of noise, including:

  • Policy and legislation 
  • Technical and social aspects of noise
  • Guidelines

Air, Smoke and Odour

Information on who to contact about air pollution, including smoke and odour:



Abattoirs - odours

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

However, some smaller abattoirs are regulated by Local Council, not the EPA.

Backyard burning

Local Council (and/or Tasmania Police after hours on 131 444)

Cruise ship emissions

See our page Cruise Ship Emissions

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171,
or email to incidentres

Food processing plants – odours

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to 

However, some smaller food processing plants are regulated by Local Council, not the EPA.

Industrial premises – heavy
(e.g. cement works, foundries, rendering plants, metallurgical works, mines, smelters large sawmills and quarries, tanneries)

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

Industrial premises - light
(e.g. motor garages and bodyworks, small sawmills and quarries, businesses)

Local Council 

Motor vehicles

Department of State Growth (phone 1300 135 513) for complaints regarding nuisance smoke from vehicles operating on public roads.

Planned burns – Forestry, or other

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

Note: The EPA does not regulate forestry or fuel reduction burns and generally does not investigate smoke complaints. The EPA refers complaints it receives to relevant State agencies where they can be identified.

Tasmania Fire Service's What's Burning Now page has information on planned burns (non-bushfire related burns) carried out by 

  • Tasmania Fire Service 1800 000 699
  • Parks and Wildlife 1300 827 727
  • Sustainable Timber Tasmania 6169 2800

For information regarding other Forestry Burns contact the Forest Practices Authority 6165 4090.

Information about the management of smoke from planned burns


TasRail (phone 1300 827 724)

Tyre burning

If the fire is posing a threat to life, property or there is a risk of wildfire, call Emergency Services on 000.

Otherwise, contact the Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171

Tyres are controlled wastes. Burning tyres is prohibited under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Waste Management) Regulations 2020 and has serious health and air quality impacts. There are penalties associated with the illegal use, storage and burning of tyres.

Waste disposal sites

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

Waste transfer stations

Local Council for complaints or notifications regarding smoke or odours from waste transfer stations.

Wastewater treatment plants

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

The EPA must also be notified of any environmental harm or nuisance issues from wastewater treatment plants. This includes sewage spills, or odour, which might interfere with a person’s enjoyment of the environment.

Note that for nuisance complaints regarding pump stations, sewage reticulation, or smaller "on-site" sewage systems contact the Environmental Health Officer at the Local Council.

Wood heater smoke

Local Council  

For more information see our Smoky Wood Heater Complaints page.

For information about reducing smoke from wood heaters see our Burn Brighter This Winter page.


Information about water-related environmental issues, and who to contact:



Algal blooms

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

Algal blooms are a naturally occurring component of many aquatic systems and occur when the growth of algae is excessive. Factors such as warm water temperatures, still water conditions and increased nutrient availability have been identified as triggers to algal blooms.

A non-toxic algal bloom produced by the algae Noctiluca scintillans, known as 'the red tide' is commonly seen in eastern and south-eastern Tasmanian waters during the warmer months. During the day blooms resemble pinkish clouds in the water and sometimes glow at night. Noctiluca scintillans is not considered to be harmful to humans.

Certain species of algae (such as blue-green algae and dinoflagellates) produce toxins, and may pose a health hazard to those using the water body for recreation. However, the production of toxins is influenced by environmental conditions and so not all blooms of toxin-producing species actually produce toxins. Toxins in some algae species (e.g. Gymnodinium catenatum) can also accumulate in shellfish and result in health risks to the ecosystem and human consumers.

Blue-Green Algae guidelines

More information about algae

Drinking water – reticulated system

Department of Health on 1300 135 513 or 

 13 6992 for drinking water concerns.

Drinking water – household storage tanks

This is the property owner's responsibility. Information about using, checking and maintaining water tanks to prevent contamination is available on the Department of Health (DoH) website. 

If you need to empty a tank and replace the water, the DoH has information about Commercial Water Carriers and Private Water Suppliers.

Fish kills

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

A number of fish kills are reported to the EPA every year, with the highest occurrence of kills usually reported around the month of February. The large majority of fish kills have been found to be due to natural causes; such as marine species being caught in areas of low salinity; or associated with the occurrence of algal blooms; or through oxygen depletion. Other natural causes are due to a natural death after a spawning cycle. The EPA does however investigate fish kills when reported in case they have resulted from a pollution event.

More information about fish kills

Marine mammals - strandings and entanglements involving whales, seals and dolphins

Marine Conservation Program
Phone: 0427 WHALES or
Phone: 0427 942 537

Oil/Chemical/Fuel spills into waterways

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171


To report chemical spray drift or off-target movement of pesticides, please see further information on the NRE Tas website - Spray Drift and Reporting Incidents.

Sewage spills into waterways

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171.

Sewage spills from treatment plants, pipes and pumps can adversely impact both human health and the environment. Management of these spills is shared across the Department of Health, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania, the EPA and the person responsible for the sewerage (such as the Tasmanian Water and Sewerage Corporation s).

The EPA must be notified when the sewage spill has potential to cause serious or material environmental harm. The EPA must also be notified of nuisance issues – such as odours which might interfere with a person's enjoyment of the environment – when that nuisance comes from a larger ('level 2') wastewater treatment plant. The Sewage Spill Notification Guidelines may assist people making notifications relating to sewage spills.

For nuisance complaints regarding pump stations, sewage reticulation, or smaller 'on-site' sewage systems contact the Environmental Health Officer at your Local Council.

Discharge of sewage from vessels

Sewage must not be discharged into the marine environment unless within an area that allows it. A map of allowable discharge areas can be found here: Boat Sewage Discharge Maps. 

If you suspect vessels are discharging sewage illegally, please report it to the EPA. The following should be supplied in your report if possible:

  • Name / identifying feature of the vessel
  • Location of the vessel
  • How long the vessel has remained in the area
  • Any applicable photos of discoloured water or the like. 

Call the Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171 or email 

Stormwater contamination

Local Council for complaints and notifications regarding stormwater pollution.

If however you have observed someone tipping oil or another pollutant into a stormwater drain contact the Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171.

Marine Oil and Chemical Spills

Members of the public can report an incident by calling the Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline
1800 005 171 (within Tasmania).

Ship's masters, owners, charterers and agents must provide notification in accordance with statutory requirements. See Duty to Notify

Further information:

Marine Oil & Chemical Spills - Plans and Arrangements

Tasmanian Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan (TasPlan)


Who to contact about land-based environmental issues:

Contaminated sites

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171.

If an owner or occupier of land reasonably believes or becomes aware that the land is a contaminated site, that person must notify the Director, EPA within 24 hours of becoming aware of the land becoming a contaminated site.

Illegal land clearing
Depending on whether the land clearing has occurred on Crown or Council land, or a Forestry reserve, contact:
  • Property Services (formerly Crown Land Services), on 6169 9015
  • Local Council
  • Forest Practices Authority on 6165 4090
Illegal dumping on waste land

Dumping of waste and garbage in the bush or on public property is an offence under the Litter Act 2007. Read further information on litter or find out how to lodge a litter complaint.

If you found litter or dumped rubbish that needs to be cleaned up you can make a report through Report Rubbish.

Disposal, storage, treatment, recycling or transport of controlled wastes and disposal of general waste anywhere other than a local council waste depot facility without approval may also be an offence under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Waste Management) Regulations 2020. To lodge a complaint about these matters contact the Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171, or email to

Illegal reclamation of land/foreshores

Depending on whether the land reclamation has occurred on Crown or Council land, contact:

  • Property Services (formerly Crown Land Services), on 6169 9015
  • Local Council

Oil and chemical spills

Local Council in the first instance for complaints or notifications about oil and chemical spills onto land or into freshwater bodies.

Alternatively, call the Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline 1800 005 171.

Threatened and endangered species

Threatened Species Section in NRE Tas on 1300 368 550

Tyre burning

Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline  1800 005 171.

Tyres are controlled wastes. There are penalties associated with the illegal use, storage and burning of tyres under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Waste Management) Regulations 2020 .

To notify the Director, EPA of pollution or an environmental incident or to lodge a complaint, call the Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline number:

1800 005 171

This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The notification or complaint must include:

  • your full name, address and telephone contact details
  • date, time and duration of the incident
  • the type of pollutant or a description of the incident, discharge or emission
  • location of the incident, being as specific as possible
  • the source and cause of pollution if known
  • the extent or size of the area where the pollution is visible
  • anything else that is relevant to the incident

If you are able to take any photographs of the incident, these will be useful and can be sent at a later time.

Alternatively, if the incident is not occurring now and for non-urgent complaints, you can contact us by lodging the above information by email to


  • We may not be able to investigate complaints or incidents if the notification is anonymous.
  • For information about how we treat personal information collected when you make a report see Personal Information.
  • Polluters and owners and occupiers of land have a responsibility to report pollution to either the Director, EPA or to Local Council. See Duty to Notify.
  • There are further actions you can take if you are dissatisfied with the actions of the EPA in dealing with an environmental complaint.