This page lists open and recently closed public consultations, including development proposals being assessed by the Environment Protection Authority.
These consultations provide opportunities for the community and stakeholders to have their say.
Note: For development proposals, Case for Assessment is the collective term for documents submitted by proponents and may take the form of an EIS, EER or, in the case of some older proposals, a DPEMP.
See also Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (NRE Tas) and Parks and Wildlife Service for public consultations run by those agencies.
Note: Public consultations in relation to environmental legislation will be notified on the NRE Tas website - see Environmental Management.
Assessments Open for Public Comment
Marinus Link Pty Ltd, Marinus Link Heybridge Shore Crossing, Heybridge and Coastal Waters
Marinus Link Pty Ltd is proposing the construction and operation of a power cable and associated infrastructure, known as Marinus Link, from Heybridge in Northern Tasmania, across Bass Strait to Victoria. The Shore Crossing component of the Marinus Link project includes horizontal directional drilling and laying of the cable from the Converter Station site at Heybridge, under the shoreline and out across Bass Strait.
Case for Assessment open for public comment until: 18/2/2025
Marinus Link Pty Ltd, Marinus Link Heybridge Converter Station, Heybridge
Marinus Link Pty Ltd is proposing the construction and operation of a power cable and associated infrastructure known as Marinus Link, from Heybridge in Northern Tasmania, across Bass Strait to Victoria. The Converter Station component of the Marinus Link project includes construction and operation of a large converter station complex at Heybridge, on an existing cleared site adjacent to the Bass Highway, near Minna Road, Heybridge.
Case for Assessment open for public comment until: 18/2/2025
Woolnorth Wind Farm Holding Pty Ltd, Woolnorth Wind Farm, Repowering of Studland Bay and Bluff Point
The proposal involves repowering the existing Woolnorth Wind Farm at Bluff Point and Studland Bay by decommissioning and replacing wind turbine generators (WTGs) and upgrading ancillary components such as substations, access tracks and laydown areas. The proposal will also involve an upgrade and/or replacement of the transmission line between the Woolnorth Wind Farm and the Smithton substation.
Draft guidelines closed: 2/12/2024
Sanbar Pty Ltd, Pioneer Sand Quarry Intensification, South Mount Cameron
Sanbar Pty Ltd is proposing to intensify operations at the Pioneer Sand Quarry, located approximately 14.5 kilometres southwest of Gladstone. The proposal involves an extraction increase from 5,000 cubic metres to 50,000 cubic metres and processing increase from 1,000 cubic metres to 50,000 cubic metres of sand tailings per year. Currently extracting and processing as a level 1 activity.
Case for Assessment closed: 4/2/2025
Recently Closed Assessment Consultations