Release of Environmental Monitoring Information

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (the Act) has been amended to include among other things a new section 23AA that provides the Director, EPA with the discretion to publish, provide or make available environmental monitoring information.

Environmental monitoring information is defined as information that:

  • results from, or relates to, monitoring of the environmental effects of an activity;

  • is required to be collected under an environmental licence, environment protection notice, permit, environmental protection policy or under environmental standards; and

  • is provided under the Act, or another prescribed Act to the Board or the Director otherwise than in accordance with a requirement imposed on a person under section 43 or 92 of the Act.

The aim of the changes to the Act is to improve transparency and allow public scrutiny of important information about the environmental effects of industries operating in Tasmania's environment, further supporting public confidence in Tasmania's environmental regulatory system.
