The Board of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has concluded its assessment of a proposal by MMG Australia Limited for the Bobadil Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Stage 11 and 12 Embankment Raises in Rosebery.
The proposal involves two embankment raises of two metres each to the existing Bobadil TSF which has been operating since 1974. The embankment raises will be constructed using an upstream construction technique utilising the existing tailings beach and embankment to provide the foundation of the successive raises, and the materials required for the raises will be sourced from two existing on-site borrow pits located adjacent to the TSF.
The proposal will enable the deposition of an additional 2.24 million tonnes of tailings.
Chair of the EPA Board, Andrew Paul, said the Board concluded that the proposed development can be managed in an environmentally sustainable and acceptable manner, with conditions. The Board requires these conditions to be included in any permit subsequently granted by the West Coast Council.
“Various environmental issues were considered in the assessment including natural values, air quality, water quality, groundwater, construction material characterisation, and acid and metalliferous drainage," said Mr Paul.
To limit impacts to flora and fauna, the proponent will be required to adhere to strict pre-clearance protocols.
“The Board has imposed a number of conditions to ensure that tailings and waste are managed appropriately and impacts to water and groundwater are minimised. The proponent is also required to undertake ongoing monitoring of dust, groundwater and the tailings pond," Mr Paul said.
Public consultation was open for 28 days from 20 July 2024. No representations were received in relation to the proposal.
The proposal was considered by the Board in the context of the sustainable development objectives of the Resource Management and Planning System of Tasmania (RMPS), and in the context of the objectives of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control System (EMPCS) established by the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPCA).
The functions of the Board are to administer and enforce the provisions of EMPCA, to further the RMPS and EMPCS objectives and to use its best endeavours to protect the environment of Tasmania.
The Board undertook assessment of the proposal in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Principles defined in Section 74 of the Act.
The environmental assessment report, including the environmental conditions, has been issued to the West Coast Council and provided to MMG Australia Limited.
This decision and all assessment documents can be viewed at MMG Australia Limited, Bobadil Tailing Storage Facility Stage 11 and Stage 12 Embankment Raise, Rosebery.
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