Report Littering

​​​​​​​​​Litter Reporting System​ 

​If you see someone littering you can ​lodge a re​port online (button below), call the Litter Hotline on 1300 135 513 to request tha​t a littering report form be sent to you, or download the appr​​​opriate reporting form here:

​By submitting a l​ittering report, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions, without which the EPA is unable to act on your littering report:

  1. You must be willing to sign an affidavit confirming that the information you provided is true and correct; and

  2. You must be willing to attend court, if required.
Continue with an online report


​An affidavit may be required during further investigation by a Litter Officer prior to an Infringement Notice being issued to an alleged offender, or if the Infringement Notice was not paid and the matter proceeded to court​.

An affidavit is a written statement of evidence similar to a statutory declaration but where the witness swears or affirms the information to be true and correct in the presence of a Justice of the Peace. It may be used as a substitute for oral evidence in court. Providing false or misleading information in an affidavit may be an offence.

​An affidavit​ form​ is available from the Magistrates​ Court website, or directly at the following link:

Gen​​​eral - ​​​A​ffidavit (docx, 24KB)​

The Department of Justice provides information about how to contact Justices of ​the Peace​.​

Attendance in Court

Attendance at court may be required even if you have signed an affidavit. Should the matter be prosecuted in court your identity would need to be disclosed.

Detailed information about attending court as a witness is available on the Magistrate​s Court website.