Current Stage
Assessment Completed
Proposal Details
Client: Marine and Safety Authority trading as Marine and Safety Tasmania
Premises: Great Bay, D'Entrecasteaux Channel 7150
Activity: Artificial reef
Class of Assessment: 2B
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 11/2/2021
Case for Assessment Opened for Public Comment: 28/5/2022
Case for Assessment Closed for Public Comment: 25/6/2022
Assessment Completed: 12/8/2022
The Proposal
Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) is proposing to construct an artificial reef in Great Bay for recreational fishing purposes.This proposal involves the placement of a multi-module artificial reef for the purpose of enhancing recreational fishing. The 166 reef modules will be constructed using steel-reinforced concrete and placed within a 4 hectare area of seabed. Over time, the modules are expected to become colonised with marine organisms similar to the surrounding rocky reef habitats, and establish a resident fish population.
The above proposal has been referred to the Board of the Environment Protection Authority (the Board) for assessment under Section 27 of the
Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPC Act). An Environmental Effects Report (EER) has been lodged in support.
Public Exhibition of Documentation
A copy of the EER and supporting documentation will be available for public inspection during the period specified - see
Environmental Effects Report below.
Copies of the EER may also be requested from MAST [].
A guide for preparing a representation can be found at
Guide for Preparing a Public Submission.
Environmental Effects ReportThe purpose of the EER is to provide a source of information upon which interested individuals, groups, government agencies and the Board may consider the environmental impacts of the proposal.
The EER was prepared by the proponent on the basis of the Project Specific Guidelines for preparation of an EER which were provided by the Board.
Artificial Reef in Great Bay, D'Entrecasteaux Channel - EER (PDF 47Mb)
Environmental Assessment Report and EPA Decision
The environmental assessment report (EAR) has now been completed and can be viewed below. The report contains the permit conditions required by the Board to be included in the land use permit, if a permit is granted, by Council.
Artificial Reef in Great Bay, D' Entrecasteaux Channel - EAR (PDF 3Mb)