Current Stage
Public Comment Invited on Draft Guidelines
Proposal Details
Client: Woolnorth Wind Farm Holding Pty Ltd
Premises: Woolnorth Wind Farm - Studland Bay and Bluff Point
Activity: Wind Energy Facility
Class of Assessment: 2C
Important Dates
Assessment Commenced: 16/7/2024
Draft Guidelines Opened for Public Comment: 16/11/2024
Draft Guidelines Closed for Public Comment: 2/12/2024
The Proposal
The proposal involves repowering the existing
Woolnorth Wind Farm at Bluff Point and Studland Bay by decommissioning and
replacing wind turbine generators (WTGs) and upgrading ancillary components
such as substations, access tracks and laydown areas. The proposal will also
involve an upgrade and/or replacement of the transmission line between the
Woolnorth Wind Farm and the Smithton substation.
The proponent intends to lodge a permit application with Circular Head Council under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993. The proposal will be subject to an environmental impact assessment by the Board of the EPA (the Board) in accordance with the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPC Act).
The project has been determined to be a Controlled Action under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) (EPBC reference number 2024/09880) and will require assessment and approval under the EPBC Act, in addition to State and Local government requirements. It was determined that the proposed action will have, or is likely to have, a significant impact on matters of national environmental significance, protected under Part 3 of the EPBC Act, including:
- Listed threatened species and communities (sections 18 and 18A)
The proposal will be assessed by the EPA Board in the manner specified in the Bilateral Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of Tasmania under Section 45 of the EPBC Act relating to environmental assessment.
Notice of Intent
Woolnorth Wind Farm Holding Pty Ltd, Woolnorth Wind Farm, Repowering of Studland Bay and Bluff Point - NOI (PDF 7Mb)
Draft EIS Guidelines and Public SubmissionsEIS Guidelines, prepared by the Board, assist the proponent in preparing the case for assessment. The guidelines identify the key issues which, based on the information in the Notice of Intent, are expected to be key issues for the assessment of the proposal.
Woolnorth Wind Farm Holding Pty Ltd, Woolnorth Wind Farm, Repowering of Studland Bay and Bluff Point - Draft EIS Guidelines (PDF 930Kb)
Public comment on the draft guidelines is invited from Saturday 16th November 2024 until Monday 2nd December 2024.
Submissions on the draft guidelines must be forwarded in writing to:
Board of the Environment Protection Authority
GPO Box 1550
or by email to:
Please note that your correspondence may be publicly disclosed unless there is legitimate commercial, national security or environmental reason for confidentiality. If you would like your correspondence to remain confidential, please make a statement to that effect and indicate the basis upon which the request is made.