Woolnorth Wind Farm Holding Pty Ltd, Woolnorth Wind Farm, Repowering of Studland Bay and Bluff Point

Current Stage

Assessment Commenced

Proposal Details

Client: Woolnorth Wind Farm Holding Pty Ltd

Premises: Woolnorth Wind Farm - Studland Bay and Bluff Point

Activity: Wind Energy Facility

Class of Assessment: 2C

Important Dates

Assessment Commenced: 16/7/2024

The Proposal

The proposal involves repowering the existing Woolnorth Wind Farm at Bluff Point and Studland Bay by decommissioning and replacing wind turbine generators (WTGs) and upgrading ancillary components such as substations, access tracks and laydown areas. The proposal will also involve an upgrade and/or replacement of the transmission line between the Woolnorth Wind Farm and the Smithton substation.​

Notice of Intent

 Woolnorth Wind Farm Holding Pty Ltd, Woolnorth Wind Farm, Repowering of Studland Bay and Bluff Point - NOI (PDF 7Mb)