Information for Boat Owners

​​​​​​​​​​​​The EPA recommends that unless you can treat your wastewater on board, you should contain it on your vessel until it can be properly disposed of on land. Disposing of sewage at sea should be seen as a last resort, rather than the only option.

Pump-out faci​​lities

Wherever possible, use marinas that provide wastewater pump-out stations and other services to help you protect the environment and other water users.

Margate Marina

The facility is free of charge to all recreational vessels and available during office opening hours, Monday to Friday 8:30 am-5:00 pm, weekends and public holidays 10:00 am–4:00 pm.

The pump-out is located on the Marina’s fuel dock, accessed via the southern approach to the Marina.  Visiting boat owners should refer to the pump-out instructions (on the unit itself) and the list of requirements to maintain environmental responsibility.  (Vessels with deep drafts should ring the Marina office to check on access).

Margate Marina can be contacted on (03) 6267 9600 (seven days).​

Prince of Wales Bay Marina​

Open 24/7, free of charge. Located on the fuel dock, signposted on entry to the Bay from the river. Instructions are on the unit, and additional fittings are located in a storage box adjacent to the pump if needed.

Any questions please contact the Marina office on 0400 927 510 (Open 7 days, 8am-4pm), or

TasPorts, Hobart​​​

A designated sewage pump-out facility is on the lower landing outside Constitution Dock. To arrange access to this facility please contact VTS on VHF channel 12 or 16. ​​

Operating instructions for the TasPorts Vessel Sewage Pump Out Facility​

Alternatively port users can organise sewage pump-out by contacting either Veolia Environmental Services (03 6244 0000) or Toxfree (1300 869 373).​

Disposing of ​​​sewage from your boat

If you must dispose of sewage in a waterway or at sea, you can legally do so if you follow the rules in the State's Sewage Management Directives​​. 

M​ore information

For more information on the practical aspects of boat sewage management:

  Boat Sewage Management Fact Sheet   (627Kb)​​​