These data are indicative PM10 and PM2.5 data collected by calibrated DustTrak optical instruments from stations of the BLANkET network (Base-Line Air Network of EPA Tasmania).
Reference station data
Validated reference data for the major Tasmanian EPA air monitoring stations (Hobart, Launceston and Devonport) can be found on the
Reference Station Air Pollution Data page. These data pass through a quality-assurance process, and hence will only be available several weeks after collection
Indicative air quality data
You can view plots of
indicative PM10 and PM2.5 data for the Tasmanian EPA BLANkET air monitoring stations.
Available plots are:
- Annual plots - Note: plots for the current year are updated automatically at 01:00 am (AEST) each day. Some stations are no longer operational.
- Most recent 30 days - day-averaged data
- Most recent 3 days - 10-minute data
- Today - most recent day data
- Yesterday - second-most recent day data
Use the controls below to select a plot and view it.
Note: Automated checks are conducted on these data, but they are subject to revision.
If needed, enter the year for the annual plot - for example 2019
Click the button to display the plot.
Slideshow views of station data - 3 days and 30 days
Slideshow of plots of the most recent 3 days of station data.
Slideshow of plots of the most recent 30-days of data (as day-averaged values).
Note: Indicative Data
Measurements are considered 'indicative' rather than 'reference-level' due to the sampling method. Reference-level measurements require the collection of samples for laboratory analysis. Note that all BLANkET instruments are calibrated against reference-level measurements before deployment to the stations.