Historical BLANkET Data

​​​​​These data are indicative PM10 and PM2.5 data collected by calibrated DustTrak optical instruments from stations of the BLANkET network (Base-Line Air Network of EPA Tasmania).

Reference station data

Validated reference data for the major Tasmanian EPA air monitoring stations (Hobart, Launceston and Devonport) can be f​ound on the Reference Station Air Pollution Data page. These data pass through a quality-assurance process, and hence will only be available several weeks after collection

Indicative air quality data

You can view plots of indicative​​​ PM10 and PM2.5 data for the Tasmanian EPA BLANkET air monitoring stations.

Available plots are:

  • Annual plots - Note: plots for the current year are updated automatically at 01:00 am (AEST) each day. Some stations are no longer operational.​
  • Most recent 30 days - day-averaged data
  • Most recent 3 days - 10-minute data
  • Today - most recent day data
  • Yesterday - second-​most recent day data

​Use the controls below to select a plot and view it.

Note: Automated checks are conducted on these data, but they are subject to revision.


If needed, enter the year for the annual plot - for example 2019


Click the button to display the plot.                

Slideshow views of station data - 3 days and 30 days​

Slideshow of plots of the most recent 3 days of station data.
Slideshow of plots of the most recent 30-days of data (as day-averaged values).

Note:Indicati​​​​ve​​​​ D​​​ata​

​Measurements are considered 'indicative' rather than 'reference-level' due to the sampling method. Reference-level measurements require the collection of samples for laboratory analysis. N​ote that all BLANkET instruments are calibrated against reference-level measurements before deployment to the stations. ​​